Description: C:\Users\chuang\Desktop\Picture1.pngDescription: Study of Defects and Their Reduction

in Type-II Superlattice Materials


Army Research Office MURI Program

Kickoff Meeting

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Location:   Georgia Tech Washington

                   1700 North Moore Street

                   Suite 1910

                    Arlington VA 22209

8:30 am – 9:00 am                   Registration and breakfast

9:00 am – 9:10 am                   Opening Remarks, Bill Clark, Army Research Office

9:10 am – 10:00 am       Speakers from Government Labs:

9:10 am           Dave Ting (JPL)

“Type-II Superlattice Long Wavelength Infrared Photodetectors: A Brief Overview”

            9:25 am           Stefan Svensson (ARL)

“Material Studies of SLS and Binaries Aimed at Finding First Order Lifetime Limiting Mechanisms”

            9:40 am           Sumith Bandara (NVESD)

“Relation of Lifetime to Current SLS Detector Performance and Importance of Lifetime Dependency on Detector Designing Parameter Space”

10:00 am – 10:15 am     Coffee Break

10:15 am – 12:15 am     MURI Team Presentations: 

10:15 am         S. L. Chuang (UIUC)

“Overview of MURI Research”

10:30 am         K. C. Hsieh and J. M. Zuo (UIUC)

“Structural Characterization of Defects in Sb-based Semiconductors”

10:45 am         David Smith (ASU)

“Advanced TEM Methods for Defect Characterization”

11:00 am         Yong Zhang (UNCC)

“Theoretical Modeling and Optical Study of T2SL and Defects”

11:15 am         Russel D. Dupuis (GIT)

InAs/GaSb and InAs/InAsSb Type-II Superlattices Grown by MOCVD”

11:30 am         Shane Johnson (ASU)

“Surfactant Mediated Growth During Molecular Beam Epitaxy

11:45 am         Yong-Hang Zhang (ASU)

“MBE Growth of Type-II Superlattice and Defect Reduction”

12:00 am         S. L. Chuang (UIUC)

“Device Modeling, Characterization, Passivation, and Correlation with Defects”

12:15 pm – 2:00 pm      Lunch, Technical Discussions and Research

                                      Collaboration (Bill Clark)

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm                  Advisory Board Meeting (Government Labs Attendees)

3:00 pm – 3:15 pm                  Summary/Suggestions for MURI Team Members

3:15pm                          Adjourn